High-risk areas adjusted to 33 and medium-risk areas adjusted to 13 in Sanya

By Ding Xin / hicn.cn / Updated: 17:46,15-August-2022

According to the current needs of Sanya's pandemic prevention and control work, after expert evaluation, the city’s number of high-risk areas was adjusted to 33 and the number of medium-risk areas to 13.

For high-risk areas: Residents should stay home and will be provided door-to-door services. If there are no new cases in this area for 7 consecutive days, and on the 7th day and all Covid test results are negative, the area will become a medium-risk area. If there are no new cases for a further 3 consecutive days, it will become a low-risk area.

For medium-risk areas: Residents should stay inside the district and purchase products at different peak times. If there are no new cases in the area for 7 consecutive days, and on the 7th day all Covid test results are negative, it will become a low-risk area.

The above measures will be adjusted in due course according to changes in the pandemic situation. Residents in medium and high-risk areas can call the Service Hotline at 12345 with questions or problems.



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